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Table of Contents
GB7BSK Basingstoke, Hampshire
See live packet connectivity map
Sysop: 2E0HKD
Locator: IO91kg
2m 144.950 MHz FM - Experimental 3600 bps QPSK mode, IL2P+CRC
This mode is available with NinoTNC firmware v39, setting 0101 (this firmware replaces the old 0101 mode of DPSK 2400 IL2P)
You can only connect to this node via RF.
Good link to GB7RDG.
BBS/Mail, and Chat available. SSID for direct connection to BBS GB7BSK-1, and for chat GB7BSK-4.
Forwarding enabled for bulletins to:
- OARC - For the Online Amateur Radio Club (OARC) community
- GBR - Great Britain wide
- WW - World wide
Rejects bulls @WW over 5000 bytes from external BBSes to avoid saturating onward HF links within the network, please keep bulls a sensible length as you never know what links they may need to traverse!
You may have seen the node appear on APRS maps, but you cannot currently contact it via APRS. At the moment, it only beacons via APRS-IS to raise visibility. In the future, proper RF APRS may become available.
QtSoundModem Settings
NOTE: currently running an experimental mode from NinoTNC, so QtSoundModem will NOT work at the moment!
If using QtSoundModem as a modem, you should select “QPSK V26A 2400bps” and a centre frequency of 1500 hz.
And in the modem settings (Settings → Setup Modems) enable FX25 and IL2P for RX+TX, and tick the CRC box.
AX.25 2.2 with SREJ
It is also possible to connect using Ax.25 2.2, which may have some advantages described below.
To do this from a BPQ node, use the “nc” (new connect) command, rather than the more common “c” (or “connect”) command, and force L2 (no NET/ROM) by putting an exclamation mark in front of the callsign. E.g.:
nc 2 !gb7bsk
(The 2 in this example specifies the port, use the “ports” command on a node to work out which one is on the appropriate band).
One advantage of this type of connection is the ability for SREJ, or selective reject, to be used. Normally, several packet may be sent out in order, and if one of them is not received correctly the entire batch is rejected with a REJ message. The whole set of packets then has to be retransmitted. SREJ allows only specific packets to be rejected, so only those individual packet need to be retransmitted.
- LinBPQ
- Raspberry Pi 1 model B
- Tait T2010-321-F00
- NinoTNC
- 2m Dipole (vertical)
A 4m port will soon be added, mainly for backhaul connections to other nodes, but users are welcome to use it if it is not too busy.
Long term goal of adding QO-100.