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Text curios

Does your packet station have any interesting features such as text games or apps that you wish to publicise or brag about? Let everyone know here.

Text based apps:

Station callsign App command Direct Connect App information
GB7ODZ BOFH ODZBOF BOFH excuses generator
GB7ODZ COWSAY ODZCOW Let a cow get your message across
GB7ODZ FORTUNE ODZFOR Fortune cookie generator
GB7ODZ WX ODZWX Weather information for the node's area.
Does not involve stone on a string weather technology

Text based games:

Station callsign Game command Direct Connect Game information
GB7ODZ ZORK1 ODZZ1 Zork, a text based adventure game. Beware of the Grue!
GB7ODZ ZORK2 ODZZ2 Zork 2, the sequel to Zork. I'm guessing the grue grew.
GB7ODZ ZORK3 ODZZ3 Zork 3, Is trequel a word?!
GB7ODZ HAMMURABI ODZHMM feed your population and ensure everyone has room to live. Don't be a tyrant!
GB7ODZ WORDLE ODZWRD Packet Wordle, with a global leaderboard. I was in a TIZZY yesterday!
GB7ODZ HANGMAN ODZHAN Find the missing word one letter at a time before the sysop terminates your connection.

Interesting commands:

Station callsign command Direct Connect Command information
GB7ODZ MC MultiCommand - one command with unlimited apps behind the scenes. Similar to busybox
text-curios.1698595032.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/29 15:57 by m0odz

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