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GB7ROS Rossendale, Lancashire
2m packet node with mailbox NoV
Frequency: 144.9375 MHz
Packet mail region #16.GBR.EURO
Sysop: M0LMN
Locator: IO83uq
Lat/lon of grid corner: 53.687500, -2.291667
If you have more information about this node, or you are the sysop, please consider contributing.
GB7ROS is part of the North West Packet Group, more information can be found here.
GB7ROS is using BPQ32 software, here is its help file
FUN - News, Sport, Weather, QRZ Lookup, Jokes, Trivia and more. Hosted by MB7NFI
CONV - WorldWide Convers Chat System
BBS - BBS provided by GB7MBC
MUD - Multi-User dungeon game hosted by GB7MBC
SYSINFO - Displays system information
(C)ONNECT - C <port> <destination>
(B)YE - Disconnect
(I)NFO - Basic node info
(N)ODES - Display linked or neighbouring nodes
(P)ORTS - Node radio ports
(R)OUTES - Node routing info
(U)SERS - Connected users
(M)HEARD - M <port> - Heard stations by port
(H)ELP - Display this help
(?) - List of commands