This is an old revision of the document!
GB7ODZ Sunderland, Tyne and Wear
2m packet node with mailbox NoV
Frequency: 144.9375 MHz
Sysop: M0ODZ
Locator: IO94gt
Lat/lon of grid corner: 54.812500, -1.458333
Sysop notes:
This node is used for experimental purposes and is a testbed for new features.
Hardware specs: The system is running on a HP Z230, a small, cheap (not cheap originally, these are actually great workhorses with very decent specs and expandability) PC that has a real serial port and is fully supported on both Windows and Linux. Kamtronics KPC-9612 fully upgraded TNC Yaesu FT-845 transceiver
Software specs: BPQ32 compiled from latest source Ubuntu Linux
Node features: Text node games available to play - Zork 1, 2 and 3 - Packet Wordle with worldwide high scores de Doug VE1LG -Hammurabi (can you feed and provide an abundance of land for your townsfolk?) Text mode apps - cowsay - fortune
Commands enabled: TALK - direct conversation with Sysop. Note that this requires a manual disconnect to end the session due to BPQ limitations CHAT - chat server, talk to other node users and create private rooms BBS - packet mail features
New features are added constantly for testing.
Current features in development: I have the full Project Gutenberg book archive mirrored and intend to allow download of the text files via packet connection. For those not aware of Project Gutenberg, please do a web search.
I am in the process of allowing remote telnet access for NoV licensed amateur packet stations to link to help expand coverage of the net while the resurgence of packet continues.
Connectivity: My node can see: GB7NED GB7CNR both of which are to the north of the node's QTH.
My node is in regular use from local amateurs.
I am actively involved in understanding and documenting the full features of BPQ32, as well as contributing patches to the source code. Thanks to the developer G8BPQ for this amazing software.
If you have a BPQ32 query then there is an active group on Google Groups but I am more than happy to impart what I have worked out from the source code and (unfortunately sparse, disjointed or plain or of date) existing documentation.
Note to readers: Documentation typed on my phone, I will do a complete rewrite with markdown functionality shortly.
Please consider contributing to this wiki.