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nodes:gb7odz [2023/10/28 11:18] – created m0ltenodes:gb7odz [2023/10/31 22:16] (current) m0lte
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-====== GB7ODZ ======+====== GB7ODZ Houghton le Spring, Tyne and Wear ======
 2m packet node with mailbox NoV 2m packet node with mailbox NoV
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 Frequency: 144.9375 MHz Frequency: 144.9375 MHz
-Sysop: M0ODZ+Packet mail region #18.GBR.EURO
-If you have more information about this node, or you are the sysopplease [[:contributing|consider contributing]].+Sysop: [[|M0ODZ]] (right-click, open in new tab so you keep this page open!) 
 +Locator: IO94gt\\ 
 +Lat/lon of grid corner: 54.812500, -1.458333\\ 
 +This node is located at the geographical border of Sunderland and County Durhamat the absolute southernmost point of Tyne and Wear. 
 +Sysop notes: 
 +This node is used for experimental purposes and is a testbed for new features. 
 +Hardware specs:\\ 
 +The system is running on a HP Z230, a small, cheap (not cheap originally, these are actually great workhorses with very decent specs and expandability) PC that has a real serial port and is fully supported on both Windows and Linux.\\ 
 +Kamtronics KPC-9612 TNC, fully upgraded with newest EPROMs and memory expansion ICs.((This node is dedicated to my very close friend [[|Nick Kaberry G7EVW]], silent key, and very sadly missed.\\ 
 +Without your support, friendship and generous donation of the Kantronics KPC-9612 terminal node controller this node would never have happened.\\ 
 +I hope you are pleased with how packet radio is now having a resurgence locally, nationally and globally.))\\ 
 +Yaesu FT-845 transceiver.\\ 
 +Software specs:\\ 
 +[[|BPQ32]] compiled from latest source\\ 
 +[[|Ubuntu Linux]]\\ 
 +Connection info:\\ 
 +The node responds to the following connection strings:\\ 
 +GB7ODZ:GB7ODZ-1 Node\\ 
 +ODZCMS:GB7ODZ-4 CMS (RMS - under construction)\\ 
 +Port info:\\ 
 +Port 1: 144.9375MHz radio connection, 1200BPS\\ 
 +Port 2: telnet port (authorised whitelisted users only) 
 +Port 3: AX/IP/UDP port (BPQAXIP) 
 +Node features:\\ 
 +Text node games available to play:\\ 
 +  * Zork 1, 2 and 3 (the Zork Trilogya text adventure series)\\ 
 +  * [[|Packet Wordle]] with worldwide high scores, thanks to Doug VE1LG\\ 
 +  * Hammurabi (can you feed and provide an abundance of land for your townsfolk?)\\ 
 +  * Hangman (with no hanging man!)\\ 
 +Text mode apps:\\ 
 +  * cowsay (get a cow to say your thoughts)\\ 
 +  * fortune (provide a random fortune cookie for you)\\ 
 +  * wx (the current weather at my QTH)\\ 
 +  * mc (a *working* work in progress that allows one command to run multiple commands eg MC cowsay Greg Was Here)\\ 
 +  * testapp (any app I am currently working on) 
 +Commands enabled:\\ 
 +  * TALK - direct conversation with Sysop. Note that this requires a manual disconnect to end the session due to existing BPQ limitations\\ 
 +  * CHAT - chat server, talk to other node users and create private rooms\\ 
 +  * BBS - packet mail features\\ 
 +full command list:\\ 
 +New features are added constantly for testing (see TESTAPP). 
 +Current features in development:\\ 
 +I have the full [[|Project Gutenberg book archive]] mirrored and intend to allow download of the text files via packet connection.\\ 
 +For those not aware of Project Gutenberg, it contains over 70,000 books that are out of copyright.\\ 
 +I am in the process of allowing remote telnet access for NoV licensed amateur packet stations to link to help expand coverage of the net while the resurgence of packet continues. 
 +Neighbour node connectivity:\\ 
 +My node can communicate with\\ 
 +  * GB7NED\\ 
 +  * GB7CNR\\ 
 +both of which are located north of my QTH. 
 +My node is in regular use from local amateurs.\\ 
 +Thanks especially to my very good friend [[|Simon M0XLZ]] for asking me politely to reactivate the node every week for the best part of a year - I told you I'd do it and I am pleased that you have chosen GB7ODZ as your home mailbox! 
 +I am actively involved in understanding and properly documenting and giving working examples of the full features of BPQ32, as well as contributing patches to the source code.\\ 
 +Thanks to the developer G8BPQ for this amazing piece of software, which is open source and cross-platform.\\ 
 +If you have a BPQ32 query then there is an active group on Google Groups but I am more than happy to impart what I have worked out from the source code and (unfortunately sparse, disjointed or plain or of date) existing documentation.\\ 
 +I understand in depth and can give practical help with BPQ32 functionality:\\ 
 +  * Adding custom commands (Linux xinetd.conf, /etc/services, scripting)\\ 
 +  * Using and configuring QtTermTCP with BPQ32, including TALK to sysop functionality\\ 
 +  * using Outpost Packet Mail Manager (Outpost PMM) with BPQ32\\ 
 +  * I have a good grasp of most other parts of BPQ32.\\ 
 +Please [[:contributing|consider contributing]] to the wiki with node information and help it grow.
nodes/gb7odz.1698491886.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/28 11:18 by m0lte

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